first of all..
i want to thank to all of u
bcoz u're still rmember at me..
I'm really appreciate that..
n i would like to b gratefully to my mom
bcoz she was a wonderful women that i though..
she's a good adviser for me..
her cooking very delicious n very kind of person
here i am that i miss her so much n i want to huge her for a while..
i will miss her always ever n after..
can u forgive me for all thing that i've been done to u..
i know that i have much hurting u
that's why i love u damn much..
can u give me one more chance so that i can
changed all my life in whatever u want it..??
now i knew that u r very important person (VVIP)
in my life..bcoz without of u,,i can't stand it anymore in diz world..
i miss u n love u mom..mmuahh..
i'll promise that i will not give anyone to hurting u n scold at u..
bcoz u r my everything..
can u give me a such a big huge for me..
i'm really need u so much..!!